The Puppet Master

It is amazing that many things which were only possible in the make believe world are gradually becoming parts of our present day reality. Despite that, there are still things we think are way beyond our belief, so we’d rather leave them to guess work. Some years back, I couldn’t but wonder how the 666 mark of the Beast concept would eventually manifest. But right now, even an unbeliever sees its possibility without question. No wonder Conspiracy Theories loom all over now. Lol.

I remember the phrase, “With the Creator, all things are possible.” I had always thought He would literally make things which are impossible with men happen Himself, at least I believe Him to be the Creator lol. Having seen diverse kind of miracles, my religious mind was fixated on how I feel He makes impossible things possible. But now I know better that some things which are only possible by Him sometimes are made possible through men. Hmmm Selah!

In other words, sometimes God enables men beyond their natural capacity to tap into His realm for ideas and creations just so He might make things happen. Man in his cocky state thinks he has done something special, he doesn’t acknowledge the Creator who made it happen through him. “… In the last days… Perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves,… Boasters, proud,… Unthankful…”

Many things we commend men for are actually God’s works, man is just a tool, he’s not in charge. At times, what we laud as development are actually men working themselves rapidly to fulfil the end time plan of the Maker of all things, thus confirming His Word as the Truth. Almighty is indeed great!

What is happening now proves we are mere puppets in the Hands of the Puppet Master. For example, who would have thought the world can be grounded to a halt? But an invisible virus just did. Way beyond that, this period revealed that men are just mere entity, what makes us special is when the Creator picks on us to demonstrate His awesomeness, aside that, you’re no more than a breath. That’s why it looks like some are being demystified in the here and now. This is indeed a period to stop and ponder. A time to acknowledge that He only is great, that there is nothing He cannot do, and that He is indeed in control. A season to be grateful and acknowledge that, “Who indeed can speak and it comes to pass if the He has not ordained it?” His ordinances are being fulfilled, while men struggle; people are reassessing their stands while the scripture is being fulfilled, yet “He changeth not…” . Do you doubt Him still? “Heaven and earth will pass away, not a dot of my word will go unfulfilled” Selah!

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